MTK er íslenskt vörumerki sem hefur hannað og framleitt vinsælan aðhalds- og kvennfatnað fyrir konur síðan 2012. Hönnuður MTK er Theodóra Elísabet en hún leggur áherslu á þægindi og vönduð efni þar sem megináhersla er að móta líkamslínurnar og draga fram það besta til að stuðlað að vellíðan og auknu sjálfstrausti yfir daginn.   

Einstök teygja sem veitir hámarksaðhald og mótar línurnar:

Theodóra er konan á bak við MTK eða MUFFINTOPKILLER® „Aðhald, þægindi og falleg hönnun eru okkar helsta sérstaða þegar kemur að buxum og fatnaði. Síðan 2010 hefur Theodóra þróað MTK teygjuna sem er í mittinu á öllum MTK buxunum og sér um að móta miðjusvæði líkamans og gefur gott aðhald sem konur sækjast eftir, bæði vegna þægindanna og þess hversu vel hún heldur við magann og mótar línurnar.

MTK-ShapeWear eða MTK-aðhalds línan hefur notið mikilla vinsælda meðal íslenskra kvenna síðustu ár,  bæði vegna þægindanna og þess hversu vel teygjan heldur við magann og mótar línurnar í stað þessa að búa til muffintop eins og margar aðrar buxur gera oft og var það einmitt upphaf og ástæða þess að MTK varð til. MTK teygjuna er hvergi hægt að fá annars staðar en hjá okkur. Við höfum framleitt og þróað teygjuna erlendis eftir okkar eigin aðferð síðan 2012 og því getur enginn annar lofað sömu göldrum og MTK.

MTK aðhaldsbuxurnar og fatnaðurinn henta öllum konum, á öllum aldri og í öllum stærðum. „Það er alveg sama hvernig við erum í laginu, það skiptir okkur allar máli að líða vel yfir daginn og finna til frelsis.


MTK Verslun
Hlíðasmára 4
201 Kópavogi

11-17 mánudag – fimmtudags
11-18 föstudaga
11-14 laugardag

About MTK Shape-wear collection:

Well known for the exclusively designed MTK signature elastic waist which gives 360° support and full shape enhancement. Searching for years for the perfect body shape-wear with no luck Theodóra Elísabet decided to develop and design it herself. The first exclusive MTK shape-wear collection was launched in Iceland 2012. //

It all started Back in 2010 when it was a huge trend to wear leggings. Theodóra was tired of all the leggings and pants with the small, thin waistline band that were either too loose or too tight, so all the beautiful pants that was out there did nothing for women other than rolling down or creating a unwanted sculpture lines. Theodóra started by designing a new waist pattern, she cut of the original waistline of the old leggings and sewed on her new waist part which gave the old leggings a new chance of exciting future! Soon her friends started to crave for the same comfy waist magic and she realised that everyone was dealing with the same problems when it came to a pair of pants/leggings so she developed her own shape-wear collection with the MTK waist. It took over a year to develop the signature MTK 360° support fabric with the perfect features to fit and tone a women’s body in a comfortable and effective way.

Since then Theodóra has opened the first MTK store in Reykjavík, Iceland and gets the precious opportunity to be connected to the diverse wishes and needs of women to feel comfortable with added confident. She’s also been blessed with 4 kids of her own which have helped her even more in the development of new design of the MTK Shape-wear collection specially designed for Mothers.

We are sure you will enjoy our collection! Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


You need to wear the MTK shape-wear 3-5 times before you get the final shape that fits your body perfectly. For the best result we recommend regularly adjusting the MTK 360° support waist part while wearing the pants for the first 3-5 times. ( Adjust and pull them up in the best position then they will learn how you want them to be, so please teach them well:))

***Please note that the waist part is VERY tight and tense for the first time of fitting. Don’t retreat!

The first time is a bit like a workout but after that it’s like a walk in the park !

The MTK pants are designed to be used every day without loosing the spark – MTK is not a decoration for your wardrobe, if it happens, please give them to that someone that dares to wear them as often as possible !:)